• 북마크


Problems and Solution of the Written ballot and Electronic ballot

저자 : Yang Man-Sig년도 : 2004발행권및호 : 제23집
  • - 첨부파일 : 03양만식_24.pdf (482.0K) - 다운로드


Individuals’ use of two-way networking devices has fostered development in communication technologies as well as changes in the methods of communication among people, between individuals and institutions, and between institutions. Currently, corporations can not be run without involving themselves in the development of IT. In order to adapt to rapid changes in the technology environment and to pursue a policy of reacting to a highly information-saturated society, developed countries are preparing new commercial law and other legislations to encourage the "electronicization"of corporate management.

In the process of amending corporate law, the corporate mechanism is under discussion in terms of securing the effectiveness of corporate governance and in aiding its reaction to an information-proficient society. In particular, increases in the power of shareholders’ meetings are being considered. The meaning of corporate governance lies in the shareholders’ ability, by exercising their right to select and remove directors, to ensure that the board of directors is overseeing the executive officers’ corporate management. Consequently, as opportunities for the selection and removal of directors, shareholders’ meetings should be revitalized by requiring more informative explanations by the officers for their activities as well as by encouraging shareholders to actively exercise their voting rights.
This article’s exploration of the practical problems involved with electronicizing shareholders’ meetings is an attempt to seek this “vitalization of shareholders’ meetings” as well as realize “regularly open shareholders’ meetings.”

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