• 북마크


시장친화적 토지공개념

저자 : 이동수년도 : 2007발행권및호 : 제38집
  • - 첨부파일 : 26이동수.pdf (403.8K) - 다운로드


Generally speaking, the public concept of land can be understood that land should be used and controlled since the property is an essential goods for everyday living.
The Problem of land is one of the most serious problems that korean society is facing. Since land is limited and can not be reproduced and can not be moved, it has been treated in a special way compared with other kind of property.
Moreover, land is the foundation of living, such as : housing, production and agriculture, etc, it must be distributed properly according to the necessity of everyman.
However, the trend to secure wealth by taking advantage of the land is clear in korean society.
Therefore, the korean government attempted to solve the problem by controlling the privatization of land and retriving the wealth created by land.
However, the attempt and be a violation of the Constitution which protects individual property.
The market-based public concept of land can help solve the problem by guaranteeing the just compensation while driving publicitization of land.
At the same time, in the case of building, the privatization must be widely acknowledged, however, in the case of land, proper control must be made according to its usage.
The methods of the market-based public concept of land are reformation of tax, redemption of development profit, public lease of land, etc.
Moreover, the market-based public concept of land must be dealt with under Constitutional Law in a continous and concrete way.

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