• 북마크


토지개발사업의 공공성 평가와 공공부문의 역할

저자 : 변창흠년도 : 2007발행권및호 : 제38집
  • - 첨부파일 : 25변창흠.pdf (442.8K) - 다운로드


Land is a kind of product trading in market but has publicness differential from other products. Due to such a characteristic of land, public sectors are expected to play a leading role in the utilization and development of land.
Whereas philosophy and ideology of a ruling political party make a decision roles and participation methods of public sectors in other countries, traits of real estate markets or political interests heavily impact on roles of public sector in Korea. Hence, socio-cultural speciality of Korea should be considered to evaluate roles of public sectors in regard to land, irrespective to an ideal model of land market.
The current study is aimed to estimate the degree to which publicity has been achieved in the land development projects and which roles of public sector should be played and reinforced in order to expand publicity. Findings from this study showed that publicity has hardly been attained in the creation of the national land plan, performance of local development projects, development and provision of land, building and provision of houses, or expropriation from land in the land development process of Korea

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