• 북마크


문화재보호법에 있어서의 문화재보호

저자 : 김춘환년도 : 2007발행권및호 : 제38집
  • - 첨부파일 : 22김춘환.pdf (300.1K) - 다운로드


In modern society, the cultural desire of the people continues to grow steadily because they are interested in culture. The modern is said to be a cultural nation. Korean constitution provides national responsibility of the preservation of cultural inheritance (Article 9). And also it stands to reason that the state should preserve the preservation of cultural assets on the basis of its legal principles or the preservation of cultural inheritance of the world. The state should preserve and conserve our cultural assets for its nation because everyone has certain fundamental human rights as his birthright. It is a reasonable idea to keep its real identity and pursuit of happiness. The directivity of cultural nation is a basic principle of our constitutional law and national responsibility. The Cultural Properties Protection Law materializes the ideology of it.
The law prescribes the preservation and application of cultural properties under legislative intention which it works for succession of national culture, improvement of national culture and development of humankind culture.
This paper explain in details the legal characters and necessities, the basic principle on preservation of cultural assets, the system of preservation of cultural assets, the cases of preservation of cultural assets.

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