• 북마크


실버타운 활성화를 위한 법제도적 개선방안

저자 : 이동찬년도 : 2007발행권및호 : 제38집
  • - 첨부파일 : 15이동찬.pdf (290.4K) - 다운로드


The elderly who want to make their lives more comfortable and independent are gradually increasing according to diversity of desires, improvement of economic power, and the rise of the elderly population. With the change in values, they have a need of more a abundant or plentiful life, so the necessity of Sliver Towns is rapidly growing.
Sliver Towns, which are chiefly used in Korea, is not yet specified as a legal word. The basic law related to them is the Elder's Welfare law. In the revised law, the dwelling establishment of the elderly old is divided into an institution for the aged, elder's communal life household, and the welfare housing for the old. The institution united with the concept of Silver Towns is the welfare housing for the old.
There are several problems in the current systems and laws for constructing Silver towns: insufficient connection with diverse laws, particular dwellers' invitation processes, complicated provisions for building Silver towns, insufficient tax support system, and so on. Moreover, people may avoid building Silver towns without any supports of the government. In order to induce plentiful constructions of various Silver towns, the State has to examine policies for financial support for them, reduction of various taxes, and alleviation of construction work laws. In addition, multifarious money or insurance is required to provide to the elderly to help decrease elder's economic burden for purchasing houses in a Silver town. Only those sixty-years-old or older can possess it and reside there under the current revised elder's welfare law. However, it is necessary to revise the law in order that anyone may own a dwelling, but only those over sixty-years-old can live there. Finally I insist that Silver towns should be included with recently executed housing pension system.

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