• 북마크


공공DB의 유통과 법적 제반 문제점과 해결점

저자 : 백윤철, 최용전년도 : 2006발행권및호 : 제34집
  • - 첨부파일 : 17 백윤철, 최용전.pdf (380.0K) - 다운로드


We are living in a global market and it is time to settle down some important problems regarding distribution of data and copyright. Databases which include a vast amount of information are undeniably convenient, and a more developed form of DB is required for a more useful utilization of information and its spread as well.
The material value of these kind of databases is predicted to rise in the information age.
Especially it is essential in the information age that cooperations and scholars as well as individuals utilize public databases in their investigation. However, the problem is that it takes too much effort and costs to systemize a database and secondly, that imitation and abuse of its information are likely to happen. Therefore, protecting the rights of database-maker is the first priority in order to utilize the information in a proper way.
The economic losses which the owner of the information gains because of the imitations and distributions of it are directly linked with national capacity. And this calls to the need of protection toward databases meeting the global standard. Protecting the rights and efforts in creating the data is the main point of database protection. Protection matters toward investment are becoming a wide issue with the advent of digital information age.
For example, Information protection can bring negative side effects as well by limiting the competition among the database industry. Furthermore, it can block public access to the information which can result in academic suppression. Therefore, in order prevent these problems, present laws should be modified and improved to form the legal protection of database in the most effective manner.

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