• 북마크


2012 학회지

2012.02.29 15:36 955 0


토지공법연구(土地公法硏究) 제56집 (2012.02.25)

목 차

【토지공법 논문】

∙ 지역개발 및 지원에 관한 법률제정안의 문제점과 개선방안 / 김 해 룡 1

∙ 심부(深部) 지열에너지 개발 및 이용의 촉진을 위한 국내 법제의 개선방향- 외국의 인․허가제도의 검토를 중심으로 - / 최 인 호 17

∙ 새만금지역의 해상경계에 대한 공법학적 고찰 / 김 희 곤 49

∙ 내수면어업허가의 법적 성격과 이전성 / 이 헌 석 95

∙ 연접한 군소필지의 정리에 관한 법적 검토 / 이 현 준 115

∙ 공유재산의 위탁관리ㆍ개발법제에 관한 연구 / 張 校 湜 133

∙ 도로관리에 관한 법적 고찰 / 채 우 석 153

∙ 用途地域制의 法的 性質에 관한 考察 / 송 현 담ㆍ육 동 연 175

∙ 이주대책으로 시행된 아파트건설용지 공급의 개선방안에 관한 연구 / 여 옥 경 ㆍ김 은 유 191

∙ 도시개발법상 주거권 확보 방안 / 이 재 삼 207

∙ 現行 補償法上 補償制度의 限界에 關한 法的 硏究- 不法形質變更土地 等에 대한 補償規定과 所有者推薦制度를 中心으로 - / 朱 鍾 天 243

∙ 농지이용 특성에 따른 농지관리제도 개선에 관한 연구- 수도권과 전라북도의 농지를 중심으로 - / 정 회 근 263

【일반행정법 논문】

∙ 유럽환경규제법제의 변화와 한국법제의 대응 / 송 동 수 285

∙ 처분적 법률에 관한 연구 / 홍 완 식 309

∙ 교육감의 권한과 통제에 관한 법적 문제 / 임 현 331

∙ 경찰부작위로 인한 국가배상청구소송에 있어서 작위의무의 성립요건(대법원 2008.10.9. 선고 2007다40031 판결) / 金 鉉 峻 349

∙ 기관위임사무의 폐지에 따른 가칭 법정수임사무의 도입에 관한 연구 / 최 철 호 371

∙ 사회복지시설의 평가제도에 관한 고찰 / 宣 恩 㶼 401

【일반공법 논문】

∙ 인도네시아 헌법의 기본 이념인 빤짜실라(Pancasila)의 형성과정과 의미 / 변 해 철 421

∙ 나노物質危險에 따른 事前配慮原則의 適用에 관한 小考 / 소 재 선ㆍ이 창 규 443

∙ 지방자치단체의 통합과 선거구획정에 따른 법적 과제 / 정 극 원 477

∙ 현행 헌법상의 적법절차조항의 규범적 의미와 가치 / 표 명 환 505

∙ 일본 오오쿠보(大久保)지역의 한국인 주거 대한 연구 / 최 인 호 527

【부 록】

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 會則 551

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 論文審査規程 557

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 投稿要領 559

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 學術賞 規程 561

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 倫理委員會 規程 562

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 任員名單 565


∙ Kritische Bemerkung zum Gesetesentwurf fuer Landesentwicklung und fuer deren Hilfsleistung / Kim, Hae-Ryoung 1

∙ A Comparative Law Study on Improvements to the Korean Legal System for the Promotion of Development of Deep Underground Geothermal Energy / Choi, In-Ho 17

∙ A Study on maritime delimitation in the Seamangum Project Region / Kim, Hee-Gon 49

∙ A Study on the Legal Characteristics and Transferability of Inland Fisheries Permit / Lee, Heon-Seog 95

∙ A Legal Review on the Readjustment of Insignificant Land Parcels / Lee, Hyun-Joon 115

∙ Research on legislation regarding the management and development of public properties on commission / Jang, Kyo-Sik 133

∙ Study on Roadway Maintenance Laws / Chae, Woo-Suk 153

∙ Study on the legal characteristics of land use zoning system / Song, Hyun-DamㆍYouk, Dong-Youn 175

∙ A study on improvement in the provision of construction site for apartment buildings enforced as a measure for migrating inhabitants / Yuh, Ok-KyungㆍKim, Eun-You 191

∙ Methods to acquire rights for residency on the law of city development / Lee, Jae-Sam 207

∙ A Legal Study on the Limits of the Compensation Systems by the Existing Compensation Law / Chu, Jong-Chun 243

∙ A Study on the Improvement of FarmlandManagement System in the Characteristics of Farmland Use - the case of the farmland in the metropolitan area and Jeonlabuk do - / Jeong, Hoe-Keun 263

∙ Die Entwicklung des europaeischen Umweltrechts und die Reaktion des koreanischen Rechts / Song, Dong-Soo 285

∙ Eine Studie über das Maßnahmegesetz / Hong, Wan-Sik 309

∙ A study on the legal issues about jurisdiction and control of superintendent of education / Im, Hyun 331

∙ Amtshaftung wegen pflichtwidrigen poizeilichen Unterlassens und Voraussetzungen für die polizeiliche Handlungspflicht - Oberstes Gericht, Urteil vom 9. 10. 2008, 2007Da40031 - / Kim, Hyun-Joon 349

∙ A Study on the Introduction of Tentatively Named Legal Acceptance Business according to Abolition of Institutional Delegation Business / Choi, Chul-Ho 371

∙ A study on the Social Welfare Facility Evaluation System / Seon, Eun-Ae 401

∙ Formation of Pancasila as basic principle of Indonesian Constitution and its constitutional meaning / Byun, Hae-Cheol 421

∙ Application of the Precautionary Principle in potential risks of nanomaterials / So, Jae-SeonㆍLee, Chang-Kyu 443

∙ Local Autonomous Entity’s Integration and Legal Tasks according to Electoral District’s Demarcation / Jeong, Kuk-Won 477

∙ The constitutional meaning and value of 'due process of law' in korean constitution / Pyo, Myoung-Hwan 505

∙ A Study on the Dwelling for Korean in Okubo Area, Japan / Choi, In-Ho 527

토지공법연구(土地公法硏究) 제57집 (2012.05.25)

목 차

發 刊 辭

【토지공법 논문】

∙ 공존상생을 위한 뉴타운 행정 / 김 광 수 1

∙ 공존, 상생을 위한 주택임대차 제도의 검토- 최근 전월세 대책 및 미국제도를 중심으로 - / 尹 聖 升 19

∙ 도시재개발 사업의 발전 방안에 관한 연구- 성남시 도시재개발 사업의 발전 방안을 중심으로 - / 이 재 삼 41

∙ 미군공여지반환과 헌법소원 가능성에 대한 검토 - 동두천․입법부작위를 중심으로 - / 김 도 협 83

∙ 「장애인․고령자 등 주거약자 지원에 관한 법률」의 내용과 평가/ 이헌석․여경수 101

∙ 헌법상 공용수용규정과 헌법재판소의 해석 법리에 관한 고찰 / 표 명 환 123

∙ 주택재개발사업에서 분양계약 미체결자의 법적 지위 및 개선방안/ 김종하․김재호 147

∙ 지구단위계획의 본질과 법제도의 재검토 / 민 태 욱 171

【일반행정법 논문】

∙ 미국에서의 법원의 행정법 해석 / 李 東 秀 193

∙ 통합개인정보보호법과 효과적인 개인정보의 보호 / 길 준 규 213

∙ 소청심사제도에 관한 연구 - 형평성을 중심으로 - / 이 동 찬 235

∙ 行政의 自己拘束의 法理와 行政規則의 效力에 관한 또 하나의 고찰 / 梁 忠 模 253

【일반공법 논문】

∙ 國家賠償法上 違法性의 槪念에 관한 分析- 日本의 學說 및 判例의 動向을 中心으로 - / 신봉기․조연팔 269

∙ 독일 게마인데의 경제적 활동에 대한 법적 고찰 / 강 현 호 299

∙ 漁業權의 特徵과 法的 性質에 관한 小考 / 소재선․임종선 329

∙ 군인연금법 제7조의 위헌성 여부 / 이 영 우 363

∙ 공법적 시각에서 본 의료분쟁조정법 / 김 봉 철 377

∙ 성충동 약물치료의 헌법적 쟁점 / 허 순 철 403

∙ 평생교육에 관한 법적 문제 연구 / 이 복 희 425

∙ 헌법원리로서의 경제성원칙 / 정 영 철 459

∙ 노인복지시설종사자에 관한 법적 고찰 - 사회복지사와 요양보호사를 중심으로 - / 宣 恩 㶼 489

【부 록】

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 會則 509

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 論文審査規程 515

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 投稿要領 517

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 學術賞 規程 519

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 倫理委員會 規程 520

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 任員名單 523


∙ New Town Policy for Coexistence and Mutual Contribution / Kim, Kwang-Soo 1

∙ Residential Rent Policy for Coexistence and Win-Win between Landlord and Tenant- Focusing on Recent Korean Government Measures and U.S. Rent Control -/ Yun, Sung-Seung 19

∙ Study for the urban redevelopment business- Mainly about the urban redevelopment business for Sungnam-si - / Lee, Jae-Sam 41

∙ Die Freigabe der US-Militärbasen und Eine Untersuchung über die Möglichkeit der Verfassungsbeschwerde / Kim, Do-Hyub 83

∙ A Study of an Evaluation and Tasks of 「Act on Support for Underprivileged Group, Disabled Persons and Age, etc.」 / Lee, Heon-Seog․Yeo, Gyeong-Su 101

∙ Study on the Taking Clause in Constitution and the Theory Formed by Constitutional Court. / Pyo, Myoung-Hwan 123

∙ Parcelling-out Non-contractor’s Legal Position in Housing Redevelopment Project and Measures for Improvement / Kim, Jong-Ha․Kim, Jae-Ho 147

∙ The Essence of District Unit Planning and Reconsideration of Related Regal System / Min, Tae-Uk 171

∙ Judicial Interpretation of Administrative Statute in American Administrative Law / Lee, Dong-Soo 193

∙ Das neue ntergrierte Datenschutzgesetzes und dessen effektiven Datenschutz / Kil, Joon-Kyu 213

∙ A study on the Appeals System - focused on equity - / Lee, Dong-Chan 235

∙ Zu den Beziehungen zwischen der Theorie von der Selbstbindung der Verwaltung und den Wirkungen der Verwaltungsvorschriften / Yang, Chung-Mo 253

∙ Study on concept of the illegality in the State Redress Act - Focusing on theory and case law in Japan - / Shin, Bong-Ki․Cho, Yeon-Pal 269

∙ A legal study on economic activities of the local autonomous entity socalled Gemeinde in germany / Kang, Hyun-Ho 299

∙ Study on the Legal Characteristics of the distinction of a fishery Right / SO, Jae-Seon․Yim, Jong-Sun 329

∙ A Study on constitutional challenge of Article 7. to The Military pension Law / Lee, Young-Woo 363

∙ Das Gesetz zur Schlichtung der medizinischen Streitigkeiten aus öffentlich-rechtlicher Sicht / Kim, Bong Cheol 377

∙ The Constitutional Debates of the Treatment with Medication for Sexual Drive(Chemical Castration) / Huh, Soon-Chul 403

∙ The study of legal issue for life-long education / Lee, Bok-Hee 425

∙ Wirtschaftlichkeitsprinzip als Verfassungsprinzip / Jung, Yeong-Cheol 459

∙ A Study on Employees of Senior Welfare Facilities- Focusing on social workers and care helpers - / Seon, Eun-Ae 489

토지공법연구(土地公法硏究) 제58집 (2012.08.25)

목 차

發 刊 辭

【토지공법 논문】

∙ 한미 FTA와 부동산 정책 / 김 민 호․김 지 엽 ······························································ 1

∙ 한미FTA시대의 토지보상법제 쟁점과 과제 / 허 강 무 ················································· 21

∙ 공공임대주택의 현황과 법적 검토 / 송 동 수 ································································ 43

∙ 민간도시개발 활성화의 이론과 실제
- 원형지 개발을 포함하여 - / 김 병 기 ·········································································· 69

∙ 보상금청구소송의 현황과 법적 검토 / 전 극 수 ·························································· 107

∙ 재개발구역 해제 등에 대한 법적 검토
- 도시 및 주거환경정비법 및 도시재정비 촉진을 위한 특별법 개정법률(2012.2.1)을
중심으로 - / 최 승 필 ··································································································· 131

∙ 鑑定評價業者의 法的地位와 業務領域에 관한 事例硏究 / 육 정 균 ·························· 161

∙ 주택재개발사업의 영업보상 실태와 개선방안에 관한 연구 / 조 필 규 ···················· 179

∙ 경제개발을 위한 사인의 재산권수용의 합헌성 논의
- 미국의 사례 분석을 중심으로 - / 석 인 선 ······························································· 197

∙ 기반시설 민간투자제도에 관한 헌법적 고찰
- 민간투자제도의 목적과 그 한계를 중심으로 - / 홍 석 한 ······································ 221

∙ 공시지가의 법적 성질과 효력 / 이 상 훈 ····································································· 245

∙ 현행 지목제도의 개선을 위한 법적 고찰 / 이 현 준 ·················································· 267

∙ 감정평가업의 전문성 제고에 관한 연구 / 최 인 호 ···················································· 283
∙ 임대주택법 일부개정법률안의 문제 / 이 순 배․김 재 광 ········································· 303

【일반행정법 논문】

∙ 특별행정심판제도의 전문성․특수성 / 채 우 석 ·························································· 325

∙ 自治立法權의 範圍와 限界에 관한 一考察
- 日本의 學說 및 徳島市公安条例判例의 分析을 中心으로 - / 신 봉 기․조 연 팔 ··· 347

∙ 日本의 地方分權改革과 條例制定權에 관한 考察 / 張 校 湜····································· 379

∙ 의무이행소송과 거부처분취소소송의 관계
- 우리나라 개정안, 독일 행정법원법, 일본의 행소법의 비교 - / 김 현 준 ·············· 397

∙ 다문화사회에 따른 지방자치단체의 역할과 법적 고찰 / 김 동 련 ··························· 423

【일반공법 논문】

∙ 규제의미의 재검토필요성
- 공법적 규제로써 재정계획서의 역할과 절차적 통제 - / 김 성 배 ························· 451

∙ 고시원의 공법상 지위와 쟁점 / 민 태 욱 ····································································· 475

∙ 과학적 재해관리체계 강화를 위한 법제연구 / 나 채 준 ············································· 497

∙ 한국의 경제행정법
- 경제정책형성과 정부개입방법을 중심으로- / 배 병 호 ············································ 527

∙ 유럽연합에서 차별금지법제의 통합에 관한 연구 / 신 옥 주 ····································· 559

【부 록】

∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 會則···················································································· 587
∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 論文審査規程···································································· 593
∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 投稿要領············································································ 595
∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 學術賞 規程······································································ 597
∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 倫理委員會 規程······························································· 598
∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 任員名單············································································ 601


∙ The Korea-U.S. FTA and the Real Estate Policy in Korea / Kim, Min-Ho․Kim, Jee-Yeop ···· 1

∙ Controversial issues and tasks raised on Act on the Acquisition of Land etc.
for Public Works and the Compensation Therefor, as Korea-US FTA entered into effect
/ Heo, Kang-Moo ··················································································································· 21

∙ Zustand und rechtliche Untersuchung von sozialen Wohnungsbau / Song, Dong-Soo ··········· 43

∙ Theory and Practice on the Activation of Urban Development by Private Sector
- including the development of a raw land - / Kim, Byung-Ki ··········································· 69

∙ Status and Legal review of Lawsuit seeking the payment of compensation / Jeon, Guk-Soo ··· 107

∙ A legal review on lifting of the redevelopment district designation
- With reference to the revised law (Feb. 1, 2012) of the Act on the Maintenance and
Improvement of Urban Areas and Dwelling Conditions for Residents and the Special Act
on the Promotion of Urban Renewal - / Choi, Seung-Pil ················································ 131

∙ Case Study on the Legal status and Business scope of Authorized Property Appraisers
/ Youk, Jung-Gyoun ·········································································································· 161

∙ A Study on the improvement and the actual condition of the sales compensation of the
Housing Redevelopment project / Cho, Pil-Kyu ··································································· 179

∙ a Study on the constitutionality of private takings for economic development
- focused on the analysis of the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions - / Seok, In-Sun ············· 197

∙ Constitutional Study on the PFI for Infrastructure
- Focused on the purpose and it's limits of the PFI - / Hong, Seok-Han ························· 221

∙ Legal Characteristics and Forces of Officially Announced Land Price / Lee, Sang-Hoon ······ 245

∙ A Legal Review for the improvement of Land Category System / Lee, Hyun-Joon ············ 267

∙ A study on the Improvements of Professionalism in the appraisal business / Choi, In-Ho ···· 283

∙ Issues regarding the Partial Amendment to the Rental Housing Act
/ Lee, Sun-Bae․Kim, Jae-Kwang ························································································ 303

∙ Specialty and Technology of Administrative Appeals / Chae, Woo-Suk ······························· 325

∙ A Study on the range and the limit of autonomous legislative power
- Focuing on theory and case of Municipal Ordinance about public security of Tokushima
city in Japan - / Shin, Bong-Ki․Cho, Yeon-Pal ····························································· 347

∙ A Study on Decentralization Reformation and Ordinance Legislation in Japan
/ Jang, Kyo-Sik ···················································································································· 379

∙ Das Verhältnis zwischen der Verpflichtungsklage und der Anfechtungsklage gegen die Verweigerung
- eine vergleichende Untersuchung zwischen dem koreanischen Entwurf und den deutschen
und japanischen Gesetzen - / Kim, Hyun-Joon ································································ 397

∙ A Study on the Role of Local Autonomous entity and Legal Improvements in Korea’s
Multicultural Society / Kim, Dong-Ryun ·············································································· 423

∙ Reconsideration of the legal concept of regulation / Kim, Sung-Bae ··································· 451

∙ The Legal Status of the Gosiwon and Issues / Min, Tae-Uk ·············································· 475

∙ Legal research to strengthen the Scientific disaster management system / Na, Chae-Joon ··· 497

∙ Economic Administrative Law in Korea
- Economic Policy and Governmental Intervention Method - / Bae, Byung-Ho ·················· 527

∙ Eine Studie über die rechtliche Vereinheitlichung in EU / Shin, Ok-Ju ······························ 559 토지공법연구 제59집(2012.11.25) 목 차 發 刊 辭 【토지공법 논문】 ∙ 미얀마의 토지이용제도- 외국인의 토지임차 및 사용제도를 중심으로 - / 박 정 훈 1 ∙ 공공건설임대주택의 분양전환제도에 관한 연구- 임대주택법령의 변천과정을 중심으로 - / 이 순 배․김 재 광 27 ∙ ODA에 따른 국토개발법제 전수에 관한 연구- 입법모델 구축을 위한 전제 모색을 중심으로 - / 최 윤 철 61 ∙ 美聯邦憲法上의 收用과 規制 / 鄭 南 哲 81 ∙ 원형지 선수공급방식에 의한 도시개발사업 / 김 종 하 111 ∙ 정비사업의 재정지원 실태 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 / 조 필 규․김 은 유 137 ∙ 주택재건축사업의 기부채납 제도에 관한 연구- 서울특별시의 아파트재건축사업을 중심으로 - / 조 기 태․김 철 홍 161 ∙ 민간주택 분양원가 공개의 위헌성 검토 / 정 회 근․송 현 담 185 ∙ 기반시설부담금 부과의 법적 검토 / 김 동 건 203 ∙ 준산업단지 지정권자의 재량권과 그 한계 / 황 해 봉 221 【일반행정법 논문】 ∙ 출입국관리법상의 외국인에 대한 강제퇴거와 보호에 관한 연구 / 이 재 삼 245 ∙ 지방자치단체의 재정위기에 대한 법적대응 / 김 재 호 285 ∙ 경찰위원회의 법적 개선 방안 / 김 원 중 311 ∙ 강한 및 약한 규제 - 독일에서의 규제 수단 / 얀 찌이코 337 ∙ 강한 및 약한 규제 - 한국에서의 규제 수단 / 김 해 룡․최 승 필 349 ∙ 금융시장감독의 최근 동향 / 요세프 루티히 369 ∙ 중소상인 보호를 위한 입법의 헌법적 근거와 한계 / 김 성 수 387 ∙ 경영수탁자를 통한 경제기업의 국가적 감독의 보충 / 한스 베르너 라우빙어 407 ∙ 독일에서의 지방경제법의 발전 / 페트 바우마이스터 457 ∙ 한국에서의 지방공기업법의 발전 / 송 동 수 477 ∙ 독일에서의 사유화되었던 급부의 재지방화 / 안네트 쿠켈베르거 491 ∙ 우리나라에서의 민영화된 사무의 재지방화에 관한 비판적 고찰- 독일법과의 비교법학적인 평가를 포함하여 - / 길 준 규 503 ∙ 독일에 있어서 지방자치단체의 경제활동에 대한 사인의 권리보호/ 볼프 리뒤거 센케 523 ∙ 한국에 있어서 지방자치단체의 경제적 활동에 대한 권리보호 / 강 현 호 537 【일반공법 논문】 ∙ 개인정보보호법상 정보주체의 권리에 관한 연구- 독일연방정보보호법상 정보주체의 권리와 그 내용을 중심으로 - / 김 봉 철 561 ∙ 한반도 통일과 통일조항의 해석방향 / 표 명 환 583 ∙ 방송통신법제의 발전과정에 관한 일고찰 / 최 용 전 605 ∙ 미국 알라스카주 어업권의 재산권성 / 鄭 夏 明 629 ∙ 조세정책 환경변화에 따른 조세법의 제․개정에 관한 연구 / 신 평 우 645 ∙ 실질과세원칙에 관한 법적 고찰 - 부동산세법을 중심으로 - / 宣 恩 㶼 663 【부 록】 ∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 會則 681 ∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 論文審査規程 687 ∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 投稿要領 689 ∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 學術賞 規程 691 ∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 倫理委員會 規程 692 ∙ 社團法人 韓國土地公法學會 任員名單 695

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